When my guy was first starting solid foods, he was easy peasy. He didn't fuss about anything at all. In fact, he loved veggies! Any type of veggie I gave him he ate right up! Devoured em'! Now... well...
He. Has. An. Opinion.
The nerve.
My weekend routine has become trying different meal combo's to figure out what he won't hurl on the floor. Honestly, finding foods that the dude will actually eat has been a pretty stressful experience for me. He has always been on the high end of the growth growth chart for height and pretty normal for weight. For whatever reason, I have this nagging dread that he will dip under at his one year appointment. This dread has turned into mealtime stress for everyone. I've asked around to all of the Mom's I know and I have round up some tips on how to make meal time less stressful. I've literally followed every one of these tips and they have made my life much, much easier.
1. Limit the amount of time you spend at the table: Ok. So, in the height of C's mealtime revolt, we'd spend an hour and a half at the high chair with me begging him to eat. That's nonsense. Limit mealtime to a 1/2 hour. If baby doesn't eat everything, so be it. Babies won't starve themselves and they will learn that they have to eat when we are all eating.
2. A sippy cup: If baby is old enough, introduce a sippy cup into the dinner routine. Sometimes solids can make a little thirsty just like us! So, a sippy cup with some water could make a difference.
3. Persistence: Before you throw in the towel on a food group, give it to your little several times. It may take 3-4 tastes to get used to the texture.
4. Eat together: If baby sees you eat, he knows it's time to eat and it just becomes part of the routine.
5. Calm Down: This one makes me LOL. Yeahhhh, calm down. Suuuure. But, babies sense stress. Mine can sniff it out like a bloodhound. Have a glass of wine before mealtime to calm your nerves and just enjoy your time together. The less stressful dinner is, the happier the experience will be.
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