If you look closely you can see it.
Tiny. Little. Bumps.
They call it...Hand, Foot and Mouth disease.
One word: YUCK!
Here are some tips on surviving the onslaught of bumpy rash and grumpy baby:
1. Stay calm. - if only I could have taken my own advice.... There is no prescription that can help you. It is a virus. A yucky one... but a virus none-the-less. It will run it's course.
2. A bath a day keeps the discomfort at bay - little dude loved his bath's. It was a nice relief for his rashy skin. Just draw some nice warm water, add some organic suds, pop in some fun toys and it will take your little's mind off the irritation.
3. If he feels warm, take off a layer of clothes and then take a temp - I try my best not to give Tylenol or other type of pain medication. But on the night the bumps appeared, the little man had a fever and that tylenol sure did help him get some shut eye.
4. Comfy jams all day and night - soft, organic cotton goodness.
| Baby Bath | Hanna Jams|
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