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What Did You Want to Be When You Grew Up?

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Having a child is like taking a daily time machine back to your own youth. It's a seriously magical experience. Since I am a working mother, I spend a lot of my day wondering how I actually got into the career that I did. For example, how did I find myself in an office every day? 

I''m fairly certain 7 year old me wanted to either be a oceanographer (ps. I have an irrational fear of fish) or an movie star. Clearly, I have some varied interests.

That got me thinking... at what point in our lives do we deem those things impossible and veer into the path of the standard. I fear I am talking serious millenial-speak right now. But, at what time does 90% of the population decide....fine....what I wanted to be when I was 7 was not realistic. Are we taught that in school? Are we told by our parents we are much more suited to cubicle life? 

There was a recent Ted Talk that I listened to called "The Happy Secret to Better Work". It basically talked about how we are cultivating an army of the mundane. We design curriculums based on the average rather than the best. Our "wellness" weeks focus on disease prevention rather than life enjoyment. I think it is time for a change. Why don't we all get together and promote a life out of the ordinary?

Let's bring back the magic! Let's bring back the dreams! Let's bring out the best in ourselves and our children. Open to suggestions.


PS - I'd LOVE to hear what you wanted to be when you grew up!!

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