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How To Roast Garlic

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Oh. Roast. Garlic. How you brighten my world. I wanted to share this simple recipe because it is just a home cooking staple. Roasting garlic just brings out the buttery goodness of garlic. It can be used as a spread, mashed into potatoes or pretty much used in any recipe. 

Ingredients: Olive oil, garlic

Step 2: Grab four (or any number you so desire) heads of garlic and preheat the oven to 400 degrees.

Step 3: Peel the heads of garlic until only the skin that covers the cloves is left and chop off the top of the head. Lay them down in a plate with two tablespoons of olive oil coating the bottom and let them sit in the oil for an hour or so.

Step 4: Once they have adequately soaked up the goodness, place them each, base down on a small piece of their own foil and drown them in the olive oil left on the plate.

Wrap them like little happy presents and bake for 40 minutes.

When they are finished, they will be buttery, sweet, spreadable and delish.

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