The f-word. Fitness.
Before I had the little dude, fitness was a HUGE part of my life. I did Crossfit, Bikram, Barre and ran on a daily basis. I literally worked out 7 days a week. I was in the absolute best shape of my life before I got pregnant...which likely contributed to my fertility since I had issues conceiving for years!
Fast forward to now. I can barely run. Seriously.... it's so unhealthy. I find that my lack of dedication to fitness is actually impacting all part of my life. I am getting sick more often, my stress level is through the roof and my mood swings much more. I know that being fit doesn't define happiness - but for me it clears my mind and genuinely increases my endorphin levels; allowing me to be more alert and present in all areas of my life. Who else feels the same??
Well....I am TRYING to get back into it. Since I work full time, 5 days a week, I try and sneak in workouts when the little is sleeping. I came across a workout DVD from the Tone it Up team and I am honestly loving it. The workouts are intense and build-able. I have an older DVD so i'm sure the newer stuff is even better - but for now this is working!!
This DVD is focused on HIIT workouts. Essentially high intensity interval training. It is the same principle that Crossfit is built on except it is much less intense. They have barre, interval training, yoga and other general sessions. There are 8 workouts in total. It is perfect for somebody looking to ramp up their fitness. Plus, the bodies on Karena and Katrina are INSANE. It make me more motivated AND it is set on a also makes me think of summer.
There are a TON of workout at home dvd's out there. Do you guys have any favorites? Which ones do you love to use?
ps - in my gym snobbery day's I would totally look down on the "at-home-workout" stuff. Honestly. I did. I get it now. I get it....
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